Spring forage and wild lunch

Spring forage and wild lunch

Sunday 3rd March 10.15-1.30 (entry from 10.15am so we can start at 10.45 sharp – sorry no latecomers after 10.40)

Unwaged or low income – free or pay what you can afford

All others recommended donation £12-15 with lunch plus Eventbrite fee

Join us at our community green space in Catford and find out about the wild edibles that grow in SE London.

We will discuss the rules and ethics of foraging, have some pre- made nibbles and drinks to try, have a stroll around our wild space to find some edible delights and will make a wild lunch from what we discover.

Please note that the lunch will be largely plant based and we can’t necessarily cater for all dietary requirements but please make us aware of any allergies when you book.

Children are welcome and children under 12 can attend for free with one ticketed adult and you can share your food with them. You need to let us know of any children under 12 attending by email once you have booked. Children over 12 will need to book a place.

Sorry no refunds. Places limited

Booking via our Eventbrite page

By booking a place or attending you are giving us consent to take photographs and these might be used for publicity purposes and on social media by our charity. If you want to opt out please notify the person running the session on the day. Thanks

What do we do next? Have your say. Community planning session for the Wild Cat Wilderness

What do we do next? Have your say.  

Community planning session for the Wild Cat Wilderness 

Help plan for the future of the Wild Cat Wilderness – have your say, some fun and lunch. Community Planning for the Wild Cat Wilderness, Saturday 3rd Feb 1.30-3pm at the Lewisham Local, PlaceLadywell, 261 Lewisham High Street SE13 6AY 

In September 2024 it will be our 10th anniversary so this event is a good excuse to celebrate what we have achieved, to talk about plans for 2024 and plan for the future of the Wilderness – whatever that might be! We have three years of funding from the National Lottery Community Fund so have your say. 

Everyone of any age is welcome to join in. So whether you are a volunteer, a Time Bank member, been to events and activities, attended a forest school, visited with another group or just live locally please come along and support your local Wilderness. 

Saturday 3rd February at Place Ladywell – 1.30pm for lunch for a start at 2pm. Finish 3pm. All welcome. 

If you don’t have time for the whole session then please just drop by and give us some feedback and ideas for future events and activities. 

Let us know you are coming by booking here https://wildcatwilderness.org/whats-on/

January 2024 events

We have two events for January – a wassail to celebrate our fruit trees on the Saturday 20th and the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch on Sunday 28th. Book via the whats on page.

Make a wild Christmas wreath or table decoration

Join us for our annual festive event and fundraiser – make a wild Christmas wreath or table decoration using natural materials from our community green space. This workshop is suitable for adults and children and will take place in one of our covered spaces so you are sheltered but wrap up warm. We will provide the materials and you can hunt around the site for things to add to your creation. This is a fundraiser for our new woodland for wellbeing green prescriptions project to help recovery from mental health problems so please be generous. The suggested donation is between £12-£15. Please note this is for a two hour drop in session and you will need at least an hour to make your wreath. We have x3 sessions available on the mornings of the 25th Nov, 1st and 3rd Dec. Booking via our Eventbrite page  https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/wreath-making-2803219

Pumpkin fun and all things spooky – plus the Catford Conker Championships

Join us on Friday 27th October 11am-3pm for pumpkin carving and to make your own natural spooky decorations plus lots more ghoulish fun.

Plus the Catford Conker championships at 2pm
Drop in any time but last entry 1.45pm, Booking essential

Activities include:

Pumpkin carving – we have all the carving tools and carving templates so you can either bring your own pumpkin or order one in advance from us. To order a pumpkin (priced around £4-£6) email wcw@rgtb.org.uk by 22nd October otherwise you will have to bring your own.

Halloween decorations – make your own hanging ghosts and leaf zombies

Lantern making – bring a glass jar with you

Make a broomstick – from materials from the wilderness and fly home perhaps!

Magic wands – find your wand and decorate it

Halloween nature hunt – find spooky things like witches hair

Ghost hunt trail – find the spooks hiding around the Wilderness

The Catford Conker Championships at 2pm – bring your conkers on string ready to play there will be a Junior and Senior competitions starting at 2pm.

Drop in any time but last entry 1.45pm

If wet some activities will take place undercover in our outdoor classroom and kitchen.

Book you free place/s now. If you book for the pumpkin fun day no need to book seperately for the Catford Conker Championships.

If you are only coming to the Catford Conker Championships please book on this event alone on the other booking page.

We will be serving a vegan campfire pumpkin stew/soup for a donation of £3 from 12pm but you are welcome to bring your own lunch and drinks.

Please note – some activities might be subject to change

Mini summer festival

Join us for a mini #festival and #fundraiser with the @mud_club_london for a new kitchen roof and to repair our #mural damaged by vandals. There’s #storytelling #music #food and it’s only £5. Book via https://bookwhen.com/mudclub The Mud Club also have spaces available on their 3 day @marvellousmythhunter #summeracademy. Finish the summer with some fun #outdoors #Catford #Lewisham

Wild Nature Club

Wild Nature Club at the Wild Cat Wilderness in Catford

Join us for a summer of fun outdoors.

10 events over the summer as part of our Wild Nature Club including: campfire cooking, minibeast hunt, fruit picking, wild cooking, meet the bees, creative in nature, build a big hotel, wild music plus open mornings and afternoons for wild play.

We welcome everyone to our wild community space. This year as we charity project we currently don’t have any funding so we are charging for our events and for some we just ask for a donation. Prices range from £3 up to £12 but for most events siblings come at half price and we offer free places if you are on a low/ no income so everyone can take part. To book visit our Eventbrite page visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/wild-cat-wilderness-37391842433

All children should be accompanied by an adult with up to x5 children per adult. Bring a packed lunch/ snacks and drinks. Please bring a phone to ring for entry. Make sure you dress for the outdoors and sessions will take place even if it rains. Check the last entry time as latecomers won’t be admitted sorry. Places are limited and sorry no refunds. Entry from 15mins before start time unless otherwise stated.

Some events we ask for a donation so pay what you like and others we now charge for but the money goes back into maintaining and running this charity project. Some early bird discounts available just use the code Earlybird. We offer a reduced rate for siblings and children under 2 go free. For many events adults go free if accompanied by a child. We offer free places if on a low/ no income so everyone can take part. If you are on a low/no income please email wcw@rgtb.org

By booking a place or attending you are giving us consent to take photographs and these might be used for publicity purposes and on social media by our charity. If you want to opt out please notify the person running the session on the day. Thanks