Wassail – celebrate our fruit trees 18/1/25 2-4pm.
Everyone welcome and suitable for all ages.Did you know that the Wild Cat Wilderness is classified as a veteran orchard because of our many old trees, plus we planted a new orchard?
Our first community event of 2025 will be a wassail which is an ancient custom of visiting orchards and reciting incantations and singing to the trees to promote a good harvest for the coming year. There will be instrument making, music and singing and a procession to visit our old and new apple trees. The Rushey Green Timebank choir will be singing and encouraging you to join in some traditional wassail songs. This will be followed by storytelling and mulled cider and apple juice around the campfire. Please bring any instruments.
All welcome but booking essential. Donation for drinks so please bring cash. Entry from 1.30, last entry 2pm sorry no latecomers.
RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch 10.30-1pm. Last entry 11.30
Join us at the Wilderness to record what birds we have on site. All welcome.
Learn about birds and help make some bird feeders. We have a limited number of binoculars available to use but if you have your own please bring them. Vegetarian campfire stew available so please bring cash. Please book a place for everyone attending inc adults and children.
Hi, I would like to book for the wassail but can’t see any link.
Book via the whats on page and use the drop down box to chose the number of places. We look forward to welcoming you.