Bramble’s garden club – gardening with your child/ren
Friday 22nd March 11-12.30. Please arrive on time last entry 11.30.
Also on 19th April and 3rd May
We are piloting a weekly gardening club on a Friday morning where you can garden with your child/ren whilst helping out in our community garden. We have three dates 22/3, 19/4, 3/5 as part of the pilot so feel free to book for all sessions as places limited.
It’s got so many benefits for you both.
- Being in nature is calming and good for wellbeing
- Have quality time together whilst having fun
- Learn about growing your own food and gardening with wildlife in mind.
- Your child will use their senses and learn by observing nature
- Great for developing motor skills and balance
- Encourages responsibility and a sense of achievement
- Develop an interest in healthy eating by growing and eating their own veg
- Learn what to cook with what you grow
- Great way for you both to be outdoors and meet others
All ages welcome but a max of x2 children per adult. Please dress for the outdoors. We have a toilet and polytunnel if very wet. Book via the What’s On page.