Spring forage and wild lunch

Sunday 3rd March 10.15-1.30 (entry from 10.15am so we can start at 10.45 sharp – sorry no latecomers after 10.40)

Unwaged or low income – free or pay what you can afford

All others recommended donation £12-15 with lunch plus Eventbrite fee

Join us at our community green space in Catford and find out about the wild edibles that grow in SE London.

We will discuss the rules and ethics of foraging, have some pre- made nibbles and drinks to try, have a stroll around our wild space to find some edible delights and will make a wild lunch from what we discover.

Please note that the lunch will be largely plant based and we can’t necessarily cater for all dietary requirements but please make us aware of any allergies when you book.

Children are welcome and children under 12 can attend for free with one ticketed adult and you can share your food with them. You need to let us know of any children under 12 attending by email once you have booked. Children over 12 will need to book a place.

Sorry no refunds. Places limited

Booking via our Eventbrite page

By booking a place or attending you are giving us consent to take photographs and these might be used for publicity purposes and on social media by our charity. If you want to opt out please notify the person running the session on the day. Thanks

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