The wishing tree gets a Christmas makeover We drew on wood chips and tied them to the wishing tree, which will be the WCW Christmas tree [...]
December 6, 2015
Back to basics wreath making with coat hangers and foraged holly Some of us braved windy weather to make Christmas wreaths this Saturday. This [...]
December 4, 2015
scary goings on at wcw halloween bash Our halloween party featured story telling, making pumpkin faces, and a [...]
November 1, 2015
August 31, 2015
An organised bug hunting expedition took place on Sunday at WCW Maria organised the explorers and explained what a bug hunt was. This included [...]
August 13, 2015
Maxine Haffner of the Catford Charity Strummers came down to the wilderness to lead a ukulele strumalong with songs on a wildlife/cat theme. [...]
July 30, 2015
We have been shortlisted for the Aviva Community Fund to support the younger generation. We want to run nature based creative activities for [...]
May 5, 2015