We haven’t yet finished the pond as need some old tights so we can create some sides to the pond. If you have any tights going spare please get in touch. Thanks
Hello I am a mother of one boy who is four years old and about to start school at rathfern school in September I was wondering where the event will be held what it is about and if it is at the catford elm lane location I will be there with my son if that is ok thank you please email me back yours faithfully.
The event is run by the council.
11 July 2015, 12 noon–8pm, Mountsfield Park, Catford
People’s Day, in association with L&Q Housing, is one of south east London’s biggest free festivals. Tippa Irie and the Lockdown band is our headline act for 2015.
You will find more info here https://www.lewisham.gov.uk/inmyarea/events/whats-on/peoples-day/Pages/default.aspx
Hi Maria,
Phoebe and Leo really enjoyed making the bug hotel with Olive this weekend. Phoebe has made a picture for Olive to thank her. Is there an address we could send it to?
Pleased you all had a good time and what a lovely idea re the picture. If you send it to the Rushey Green Timebank address which is on the contact us page then it will get to Olive as we have a meeting next Wednesday. Hope to see you again soon.
Kind regards, Maria
I’m hoping to come along just to see the space as I’d like to use it with my school. Do I need to book? I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it and I won’t be taking part in activities. Thanks
I would like to offer my service not only am i mum but i do have experiences with children with or without needs also if possible I would like to bring my 4yrs son
hi Maria I’ve booked a space for the easter egg hunt and all the activities I’m sure it’s going to be a fantastic experience but is the space for 1 person or can I bring my family
HI Emilia,
Yes would be great if you can do some gardening – we need some pruning done and also some trees planted plus plenty to do in the new community food growing space as well. See you Saturday
Was trying to book for 3 adults and 3 kids but it didn’t give me an option to add people…so I think just I’m booked at the moment. Could I add the rest please?
Thanks, Anna
Hi Maria I am coming tomorrow with little Romeo and maybe dad was thinking of baking triple chocolate cake and bringing it let me know what you think xx
Please register 2 adults and one child (4yrs) for The Big Dig event this Saturday. Unfortunately, I can’t remember my log in details… will keep looking for old correspondence in emails..
I have booked 3 spaces for you. They are booked under the name of Damian. I will be on site on the day, so you can just ask me to confirm. However, we are unlikely to get oversubscribed, and so this will probably not be necessary.
Hi Maria
Still saying bookings closed for this event? Please advise how to book.
Look forward to seeing you soon and giving you your cheque!!
Barbara (Friends of Rathfern)
Wonderful wild weaving and reclaimed rubbish sculpture making at the wildcat wilderness today.
Thank you to all who helped weave and sculpt with us today – young and old.
We will be back at the Wild Cat Wilderness tomorrow Sunday 2nd Oct 11- 3pm for more wild weaving and sculpting. Do come and join us.
#CatfordArts Trail.
We will probably do an event over the summer holiday period so if you have signed up for our newsletter this will let you know whats going on. If not come along on Sunday to our Big Lunch Picnic.
If you go to the what’s on page and click on the event it will allow you to select the number of tickets you require. If there are no tickets left it will tell you
If you go to the what’s on page and click on the event it will allow you to select the number of tickets you require. If there are no tickets left it will tell you
Hi. I seem to be having some trouble signing up/registering. I assumed it was a phone issue but also happening on PC. We would like to attend today’s Harvest Event please.
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this widely.
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this widely.
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this widely.
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this widely.
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising.
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this.
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this.
Please can you put me on the waiting list too with 2 kids.
Ps are we still able to come and have a look even if not getting involved in the activity?
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this.
We are an outdoor project and you will be collecting materials from around the site to make your wreath. We only have a small shelter but do have s toilet.
Hi Maria,
my husband and 2 kids are looking forward to coming tomorrow. Will the gate be open the whole time or is there a phone number to call to come and meet them if it’s locked?
For bookings please go to the whats on page click on the event and choose the number of places. If there meant any showing then the event is fully booked
Hello Maria and Sweeni, I know this is a very late notice and I apologise… I was meant to be coming tomorrow with my two children and we were very much looking forward to it, but I think my son has a mild heatstroke from being in the sun all day today, he’s just been sick again for a third time tonight. I think he needs to stay in tomorrow so he can get better. Sweeni, would you like our two places, provided it’s ok with Maria? Once again, very sorry about the late notice, I hope you both see this before 11am tomorrow so you can get there on time. Thank you, Klara
Hi, we would like to join the harvest festival on Saturday.
Can we turn up on the day or should we register somewhere before Saturday?
Many thanks
Hi I am trying to book for 2 children for this and the lantern making on sat but can’t find the link on the what’s on page to add the number of children. Thanks
I think you must have posted on an old event as we don’t have a bonfire this year!
All events listed on the whats on Page and there are often several pages. We make people aware of them via the newsletter and social media. Numbers vary depending on the event. Hope to see you soon
Hi Kevin. No problem. We have to prioritise getting the skip filled today so have put guttering on hold.
Are you planning to come tomorrow to Cats session?
Hi I would like to book a session for the Christmas decoration if there are places available please on the 1.12 I would like 5 spaces available if possible please I did try to book this session for few times but not luck dithyrambs booking .
My contact is 07592790145 or email me vendulaknight1978@outlook.com
If you have registered on our site then please click on the event on the whats on page and chose the number of tickets in the drop down box. There aren’t many left as nearly fully booked.
Hi there
Is the family session and egg hunt on the 16th or the 18th? The title states the 16th but when you click on it to book it says the 18th.
Many thanks.
I was planning to come along to the gardening morning on Saturday with my 7 year old. I’m just wondering if we need to bring any gardening tools with us? Thanks.
Hi – I’m wondering how the school children can make it on Friday, ie. a regular school day? Am I right in assuming that Mirza’s children have an inset day or similar this Friday? Thanks
The session isn’t just for children and don’t know about Mirzas children but we have had some home schoolers and nursery children as well. All welcome.
Hi. I’d like to come along with my three children to the fruit picking event. The children are also interested in the den in building activity you have on the same day. We’ve never been before but is it possile to come to both? Please let us know.
All bookings have to be done via our whats on page. Click on the event and choose the number of places including adults in the drop down box. Please note if you can’t book then the event is fully booked. Thanks
Hi, i hope youre well. I’d like to book for Saturday 3rd February for me and my family and possibly 2 others. It will definately be 2 adults and 3 children (2,4,6) and if the others can come it will be one adult and a 9 year old. Please let me know if we can come. Many thanks.
[…] The beautiful outdoor community space the Wildcat Wilderness in Catford has not been able to open up to the general public since lockdown began and had lots of events/activities planned which have unfortunately had to be cancelled. A plant sale was one of them and to replace this and provide much needed funds for the project 2 different kitchen garden growing kits for both indoors and outdoors are available to purchase. They are a bargain and come with instructions/tips. For details see here. […]
All bookings need to be done via the whats on page. There are several sessions but some are now fully booked or have limited places available.
There are however two places available at either the 1-2,30 or 2.30-4 pm session which you can book via the whats on page.
Hi I’m afraid to say I’m actually going away for the weekend so I need to cancel my booking for tomorrow! Thanks guys and hopefully I’ll come nx week when I’m back : ) Hope you are all well, Claire
Wow! This is a nice activity. Kudos to the organizers who made this possible. I hope I can attend to one of the sessions. Thanks for sharing and for spreading awareness to us. Keep it up.
I am a bubbly bright encouraging kind of person. Passionate in making others happy. Am inspired by young people a good listener.
Full of energy. Am dbs checked was a young scout leader. Assistant to young people at dance singing summer school. Love nature and getting my hands dirty team player and making things from stuff around you being creative am a painter make dream catchers and jewelry. Came to the wildcat garden loved it and would love to come back I would like to help with a pond possibly.
Yours Sincerely Caroline Moore.
Hi there I am enquiring about volunteering on a Thursday afternoon if you have any vacancies. I receive therapy at bench outreach and was passed your information. Tia
Hi Warren
You are welcome to join us any Thursday. Just go to the what on page,click on the Thursday you want to attend and then choose the number of places in the drop down box. We look forward to welcoming you. Maria
Hello Maria
Thank you for your emails confirming we have booked two spaces for the 17/10. Please can we have one more space as we have a friend (Joan Fletcher) who would like to join us.
Many thanks
I’ll come in historical costume – to add to the fun and pagan feel of the event – but will it be OK if I also have some information on small pieces of paper about the Tudor recreations at Kentwell Hall in Suffolk to hand out to anyone who might be interested or leave out by the refreshments?
All bookings have to be done via the whats on page. Click on the event and choose the number of spaces in the drop down menu. It’s fully booked if it doesn’t allow you to do this. Thanks
ms Julie commons is a regular who uses your services, she is unable to sign in to your email address as she’s on holiday, but would like to book 31st August 10 am session her email address is j.commons@ntlworld.com would u please be able to book 6 children on this session thanks kind regards Karen
If you have a booking you would have received confirmation check your junk email. Was it for the morning or afternoon session. We still have places for both so just let me know and numbers. Thanks Maria
Hi, I just wanted to enquire…My partner and I have a two and a half year old, and a six month old baby. We were interested in volunteering sessions but wasn’t sure if it would be appropriate, please could you let us know your thoughts? We’re keen to get involved but maybe we’ll keep our eye out for other specific activities. Many thanks for your advice, Fiona
Hi Fiona. Our Thursday volunteering is adult only but out Friday volunteering in the morning is open to all so children are welcome if supervised. We look forward to welcoming you.
Hi Maria, I’ve seen that you’re on the Catford Arts trail leaflet for this year, but it gives no details, and I can’t see any on your website.
Would you let me know if there are events happening
Hi there, I’ve just donated ti make.one wreath on 3rd Dec but I ended myself and my 2 daughters tics make it with me. Do I need to get tickets for them too? Thanks Kate
Hi Ellie, it was lovely to meet you properly on Wednesday and Hugo had a lovely time at the session. I wondered if there were any spots left for this Saturday?
So Sorry I had not realised this was for adults only.
We are a local authority group of pre-schoolers and their families who would like to experience the forest school activities. Many of our families are very limited for funds…
No problem. This is for volunteering and not for forest school. At present we don’t have any funding so are unable to offer free places for groups until our funding comes through but please email us as we are hoping to hear soon wcw@rgtb.org.uk
I went to the wreath-making workshop and had an absolutely wonderful time. I made my first ever wreath and knowing it came from foraged goodies in the centre made it all the more special. Thanks so much for this. Will definitely look out for more opps in the future. The Wildcat Wilderness Centre is a true Catford gem!!
Hi, I’ve just received an invite for this event that I do want to go to. Please can you add my name to it and let me know if I’m confirmed on it as it’s not clear on the website and here.
To book. Go to you need to create an account. Then chose the event on the whats on page then click on the drop down box to chose the number of places.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Forgot to put the number of people and think it booked only 1 place but actually there will be me and another adult and 2 children for fruitpicking. So 4 in total. Can’t wait – Kyra
We have had lots of signs ups and booking recently can you explain why? Checked system and all working ok.
Maybe delete your history and try again or on a different computer.
I would like to attend the workshop on 2nd February, but I’m unable to finish the reg process. I get this message – HTTP redirect status code must be a redirection code, 3xx.
Hi, I applied to attend on Sunday just after my husband, he’s had confirmation ok but I haven’t – please can you let me know if I can attend or not ? Thanks.
Join a group of local people to help maintain and improve our wonderful community green space. No experience necessary and all adults welcome. Get involved [...]
Fully booked. Fruit tree pruning workshop - adults only To join the waiting list email wcw@rgtb.org.uk Sunday 2nd February 10.30-1pm. Entry from 10.10 last entry [...]
Join a group of local people to help maintain and improve our wonderful community green space. No experience necessary and all adults welcome. Get involved [...]
Join a group of local people to help maintain and improve our wonderful community green space. No experience necessary and all welcome. (We welcome children [...]
Join a group of local people to help maintain and improve our wonderful community green space. No experience necessary and all adults welcome. Get involved [...]
Join a group of local people to help maintain and improve our wonderful community green space. No experience necessary and all welcome. (We welcome children [...]
Join a group of local people to help maintain and improve our wonderful community green space. No experience necessary and all adults welcome. Get involved [...]
Join a group of local people to help maintain and improve our wonderful community green space. No experience necessary and all welcome. (We welcome children [...]
Join a group of local people to help maintain and improve our wonderful community green space. No experience necessary and all adults welcome. Get involved [...]
Join a group of local people to help maintain and improve our wonderful community green space. No experience necessary and all welcome. (We welcome children [...]
We haven’t yet finished the pond as need some old tights so we can create some sides to the pond. If you have any tights going spare please get in touch. Thanks
How will you use tight in a pond?
Im curious!
We fill the tights with sand to create a slope so that wildlife i.e. frogs etc can climb out easily.
I love to protect our green earth and I try to it every day.
Hello I am a mother of one boy who is four years old and about to start school at rathfern school in September I was wondering where the event will be held what it is about and if it is at the catford elm lane location I will be there with my son if that is ok thank you please email me back yours faithfully.
Hi Rachel,
The event is run by the council.
11 July 2015, 12 noon–8pm, Mountsfield Park, Catford
People’s Day, in association with L&Q Housing, is one of south east London’s biggest free festivals. Tippa Irie and the Lockdown band is our headline act for 2015.
You will find more info here
Please note that there is no wheelchair access.
Just to say I will be attending with two children aged7 . thank you joanne.
Thanks again Maxine for coming! My family and I had a grand time trying to get to grips with Ukulele strumming!
Hi Maria
I already have x3 spaces booked for 20/8 but can I make it x5 please?
Hi Barbara,
Yes no problem at all. See you tomorrow and thanks for all the pics.
HI MAria – I meant to book for 3 people, but only booked for 1 by mistake. See you later. Gemma
Hi Maria,
Phoebe and Leo really enjoyed making the bug hotel with Olive this weekend. Phoebe has made a picture for Olive to thank her. Is there an address we could send it to?
Hi Naomi,
Pleased you all had a good time and what a lovely idea re the picture. If you send it to the Rushey Green Timebank address which is on the contact us page then it will get to Olive as we have a meeting next Wednesday. Hope to see you again soon.
Kind regards, Maria
Looking forward to join Apple Day on Thursday 29th October
The black berry jam is great!
I usually make a wreath, but it will be much more enjoyable to do it in company!
Great and we look forward to you sharing your skills
This sounds great for our 9 year old. Can I book tickets for Feb 20th? And email us with up and coming events.
HI Sally,
If you join the mailing list then we can email you with events and hope you have already booked for Saturdays event.
2 adults and 4 kids. Thank you.
I’m hoping to come along just to see the space as I’d like to use it with my school. Do I need to book? I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it and I won’t be taking part in activities. Thanks
H Dorothy,
No thats fine. Just ring me to let me know on the day if you are coming Maria 07964280576
Please let me know phone number so that i can book my tickets for 20 feb Wil inside festival
Thanks Regards
Hi there please book via the events page for the Wild Inside Festival
I would like to offer my service not only am i mum but i do have experiences with children with or without needs also if possible I would like to bring my 4yrs son
Hi Sarah,
Thats great so if you haven’t already done so please book your places. See you on the 26th. Maria
hi Maria I’ve booked a space for the easter egg hunt and all the activities I’m sure it’s going to be a fantastic experience but is the space for 1 person or can I bring my family
Hi there. You can box as many tickets as you like by changing the number in the booking area. I will amend this one for you though. See you next week.
Hello Maria,
I am planning to be there for some of the time. Maybe I can be useful for some gardening?
HI Emilia,
Yes would be great if you can do some gardening – we need some pruning done and also some trees planted plus plenty to do in the new community food growing space as well. See you Saturday
Hello Maria,
do I need to bring my tools? I’ll try and be there for 10.30. See you tomorrow 🙂
Was trying to book for 3 adults and 3 kids but it didn’t give me an option to add people…so I think just I’m booked at the moment. Could I add the rest please?
Thanks, Anna
HI Anna,
When you book you can change the number – all done now. See you Saturday.
Hi Maria I am coming tomorrow with little Romeo and maybe dad was thinking of baking triple chocolate cake and bringing it let me know what you think xx
Super. If anyone else wants to do some Easter baking then please do!
Have booked for three we helped build the pondx
Great see you then. Maria
Hi Maria, I just booked to come but couldn’t see how to book for my family too – 4 of us in all. Let’s hope the weather holds!
You change the number at the end by clicking on it. Yours will be the last booking as now fully booked!
Hi we will be 3 small children and 2 adults.
All booked Rebecca. You should have received an email from us. See you tomorrow.
Hi there,
Please register 2 adults and one child (4yrs) for The Big Dig event this Saturday. Unfortunately, I can’t remember my log in details… will keep looking for old correspondence in emails..
Hi Patricia,
I have booked 3 spaces for you. They are booked under the name of Damian. I will be on site on the day, so you can just ask me to confirm. However, we are unlikely to get oversubscribed, and so this will probably not be necessary.
Hi there, may I bring my puppy? She’s great with people and very obedient.
Booking for the big lunch – 3 of us
Please book via the whats on page thanks
I meant to book for 6 people, but only booked for one!! Will you let us know if it’s cancelled? It looks like it’s going to rain..
Thank you.
Yes we had to postpone but new date is 24th July. Book via the Whats on Page
Hi Maria
Still saying bookings closed for this event? Please advise how to book.
Look forward to seeing you soon and giving you your cheque!!
Barbara (Friends of Rathfern)
Sorry all sorted now there was a glitch and I have been on holiday.
Kind regards,
Hi Maria
I’ve accidentally only booked for one when I meant to book for 4 people. Would you be able to update my request?
Many thanks
All done Simon. See you Sunday and don’t forget the Bake oFf if you are entering.
Ooop meant to book for 4!
Thanks Maria
Hi Maria
Barbara again here, please can my booking be for x7 as a friend + 2 kids want to join us?
I’ve accidently booked 1 ticket instead of 3 for tomorrow, is it okay to change my booking?
Yes no probs. See you later.
Would you accept 3 year olds?
Yes for the open day but bit too young for the camp fire cooking as probably suits 4+
Hi, my 4.5 year old daughter is going to love this!
Great see you later.
Actually Ella’s daddy would like to come too please!
See you later. Maria
Wonderful wild weaving and reclaimed rubbish sculpture making at the wildcat wilderness today.
Thank you to all who helped weave and sculpt with us today – young and old.
We will be back at the Wild Cat Wilderness tomorrow Sunday 2nd Oct 11- 3pm for more wild weaving and sculpting. Do come and join us.
#CatfordArts Trail.
Do drop in for more Wild weaving and reclaimed rubbish sculpting at the Wild Cat a Wilderness tomorrow 11-3pm Sunday 2nd October.
Plus come and see the outdoor art of local forest school children.
My name is Anthony and I’m interested in volunteering on Sat 28th and was wondering if you still needed volunteers?
Hi Antony,
Yes we still need volunteers so do come along 11-1.30.
Lovely to meet you today Maria. Sorry I did not come back with the kids as I planned… we’ll try for next month!
I’ve signed up to receive updates!
Great see you soon Jacqui
Me and my three children would like to join you on Wednesday.
I will book you all on. See you then. Maria
Can two parents attend per family?
All welcome and all parents can participate in all activities plus we need your help creating some new paths!
Thank you for today Elise and Jacob had an amazing time so so fun
Glad you enjoyed it. Hope to see you again soon.
Hi Julie May l have one place on your natural cosmetic workshop l would be paying £10 on the day
Kind regards Julia
HI there Julia,
I have reserved a space for you on the workshop but please confirm by booking a ticket via our whats on page.
See you Saturday
2 adults, 2 children and 1 baby thanks
All done and have sent you a confirmation email.
I’m made a mistake… can I reserve for 3 rather than one please?
Many thanks
Sorry we’ve booked so late-
Children’s names Nancy forrest and Mabel forrest aged 10 and 13
Hello, we missed the above event, ps advise when the next meet the bees is on?!
We will probably do an event over the summer holiday period so if you have signed up for our newsletter this will let you know whats going on. If not come along on Sunday to our Big Lunch Picnic.
Sorry I pressed the button too soon! Can I reserve for 4 people not 1? 2adults & 2 toddlers.
Thank you!
No probs I will change your booking. See you Sunday Maria
what kind of activities would be carried out??please describe a bit more
Sorry I missed this Albert.
Just wondering when it will be possible to book a place? Kids really want to go 🙂
Booking via the whats on page will be available very soon as there will be two slots.
Booking now open and two slots available.
I would like to make a booking for two children.
I will cancel the 2 separate bookings you have made so you can rebook for 2 places
Does that mean we have 2 places.
So can I go along tomorrow with my two children?
Sorry we are fully booked.
3 places have become available due to a cancellation for the first slot at 12 if you now want to book via the what’s on page.
Kind regards
Do you have any spaces left in the paint penalty shoot out?
If you go to the what’s on page and click on the event it will allow you to select the number of tickets you require. If there are no tickets left it will tell you
Hi. Could I make a booking for one?
If you go to the what’s on page and click on the event it will allow you to select the number of tickets you require. If there are no tickets left it will tell you
Hi Maria
Can I bring my son’s friend too?
I have amended your booking for x2 people. See you Saturday.
Hi. I seem to be having some trouble signing up/registering. I assumed it was a phone issue but also happening on PC. We would like to attend today’s Harvest Event please.
Yes that’s fine. See you later
Hi, there will be 2 adults and 2 children attending now, could we have 2 pumpkins please. Thank you
No problem and I will change your booking. See you tomorrow
Hi would like to come on 18 one adult and 2 children to help make bug hotel thank you
Please go to the whats on page. Click on the event and at the bottom it says spaces and reserve the number you want. Many thanks.
I would like to come with two children. Thankyou
Please book by clicking on the event and choose the number of spaces.
Oh sorry looks like it’s fully booked.
I will let you know if we get any cancellations.
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this widely.
If you have further cancellations I’d like to attend with my daughter. Thank you. Mandy
I will put you on the waiting list.
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this widely.
Hi Please could I go on the waiting list too? Thank you, Lucy
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this widely.
Please let me know if any cancellation, I am very interested! Thank you!
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this widely.
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising.
Hi I would love to come, will just be me 1 adult if you can add me to any waiting list?! Many thanks!
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this.
Please can you put me on the waiting list too
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this.
Please can you put me on the waiting list too with 2 kids.
Ps are we still able to come and have a look even if not getting involved in the activity?
Hi there. We have opened up the booking with 10 more places so please book asap before places go again. If not we will be repeating the activity on the 3rd Dec at our volunteer event but not publicising this.
Hi.I forgot to ask is this event indoor or outdoor? Thanks.
We are an outdoor project and you will be collecting materials from around the site to make your wreath. We only have a small shelter but do have s toilet.
Hi Maria,
my husband and 2 kids are looking forward to coming tomorrow. Will the gate be open the whole time or is there a phone number to call to come and meet them if it’s locked?
Whenever there is an event on there is a number on the gate if no one at the gate.
Hi, interested to come if you have a space or a cancellation, 2 adults and a 2yo toddler, thank you!
We have had a cancellation so try and book now. If not we are repeating the event on 3 Dec but not widely publicing it.
Any upcoming event in the newyear?
Yes will be putting them on the website very soon but we have a planning session on Sat 20th at Place Ladywell so come and join us 1.30-3.15
Thanks, Maria Devereaux! Hope you like them. 🙂
Looking forward to seeing them. Maria
Hi Henry and I will be coming on saturday for the picnic if thats ok
Great and thanks for booking. See you Saturday.
We’d love to come! 2 adults 3 children. Thank you! Muna
If you can book your places via the whats on page that would be great. See you tomorrow
Hi, I’m new the Wild Cat Wilderness. Can I attend with my daughter today?
Sorry only just saw this. Best to check what’s on and then book if possible. Hope to see you soon.
Thanks you
I would like to cancel my booking please as we are not able to attend anymore. Thank you
Thanks for letting us know. We have cancelled your place.
Is this activity for all ages, including kids over 5?
Which activity?
We’d love to join! One adult 3 children (aged 2 5 and 8)
Yes please! One adult 3 children (2 5 and 8)
For bookings please go to the whats on page click on the event and choose the number of places. If there meant any showing then the event is fully booked
Booked in but no option for numbers- would be 3 children…
No probs will change your booking.
Will change it for you. Maria
When are you going to do this event again?
Yes probably during the next half term so keep a look out for our newsletters with updates on events and activities.
Is there any more places available?
No fully booked but I can add you to the waiting list incase we get cancellations.
Hello Maria and Sweeni, I know this is a very late notice and I apologise… I was meant to be coming tomorrow with my two children and we were very much looking forward to it, but I think my son has a mild heatstroke from being in the sun all day today, he’s just been sick again for a third time tonight. I think he needs to stay in tomorrow so he can get better. Sweeni, would you like our two places, provided it’s ok with Maria? Once again, very sorry about the late notice, I hope you both see this before 11am tomorrow so you can get there on time. Thank you, Klara
We would love to join. 1 adult 3 children (9,5 and 2)
Hi Maria, I would like to bring the Beavers & Cubs after lunch, about 8-10 kids aged 6-10
Hi, we would like to join the harvest festival on Saturday.
Can we turn up on the day or should we register somewhere before Saturday?
Many thanks
Please book via the whats on page. Click on the event and choose number of tickets thanks.
Hi, I would like to come with my 2 kids, ages 7 and 3
Kind Regards
Please book via the whats on page. Click on the event and choose number of tickets thanks.
I would like that to bring My Grandchildren aged 4 & 5 please
Please book via the whats on page. Click on the event and choose number of tickets thanks.
Really looking forward to this event!! 😄😄
Hi there,
I would like to book for two kids age 4 and 7. If any extras will let you know or is it ok to bring them along?
Please book via the whats on event. Choose the activity and choose the number of places thanks.
Hi I am trying to book for 2 children for this and the lantern making on sat but can’t find the link on the what’s on page to add the number of children. Thanks
There is a drop down box when you click on the event which says spaces.
Hi trying to book 1 adult 2 kids 9 and 12 for campfire and pizza but can’t see where?
Sorry we are fully booked I will put you on the waiting list
Hi there – I’m a bit confused who to email to get onto this event! We are 2 adults and one 2 year old and need a pumpkin too. Is there space for us?
All bookings are done via the whats on page but Sorry we are fully booked I will put you on the waiting list
Hi Maria
Is there any cancellations? My boys are really keen to attend this session…. thank you!
No sorry no cancellations.
Hi, I have 3 children wanting to take part, is this possible please? Or is it strictly 1 child per adult? Thank you
Hi Samantha
That’s fine if you book one place for all of you to cook together.
Thank you very much 🙂
Hi there,
Can you put my family of three on the waiting list for this event.
BTW: How many spaces do you have at events and roughly when do you post availability? I always seem to miss out.
I think you must have posted on an old event as we don’t have a bonfire this year!
All events listed on the whats on Page and there are often several pages. We make people aware of them via the newsletter and social media. Numbers vary depending on the event. Hope to see you soon
Hi Maria, don’t think I can attend Thursday as I’m waiting on heating engineer 10_1 but will see,thanks, Kevin. Did gutter parts come?
Hi Kevin. No problem. We have to prioritise getting the skip filled today so have put guttering on hold.
Are you planning to come tomorrow to Cats session?
Hi I would like to book a session for the Christmas decoration if there are places available please on the 1.12 I would like 5 spaces available if possible please I did try to book this session for few times but not luck dithyrambs booking .
My contact is 07592790145 or email me vendulaknight1978@outlook.com
If you have registered on our site then please click on the event on the whats on page and chose the number of tickets in the drop down box. There aren’t many left as nearly fully booked.
Would like to attend this, but Place Ladywell is now CLOSED!!!! Thought you should know…
Only the cafe is closed. The rest is open and the offices of the Rushey green Timebank are in unit B. Bell at the front.
Hi will u b running a workshop next week? If so I would be interested in attending.
Yes please sign up vis the whats on page.
Hi I would like to participate in the gardening workshop on Friday 22/03 how do I sign up?
Thank you
Gonto the whats on Page, click on the event and choose the number of tickets in the drop down box.
Hope to see you soon. Maria
Hello i am intrested in taking part please
Please book a place via the whats on page. Click on the event and choose the number of tickets in the dip down menu.
Best wishes
Hi there
Is the family session and egg hunt on the 16th or the 18th? The title states the 16th but when you click on it to book it says the 18th.
Many thanks.
Hi there
It’s on the 18th. Sorry for any confusion.
I was planning to come along to the gardening morning on Saturday with my 7 year old. I’m just wondering if we need to bring any gardening tools with us? Thanks.
No we have tools and gloves for big and little people. Just book on via the whats on page. See you Saturday.
Hello, how could I make a booking for the helper session with kids. Thank you so much.
Yes go to the events page and click on the event then choose how many adults and children attending. Thanks.
I have two children 4 and 10 years old could attend the event with them and a friend would accompany me
Yes that’s just fine. Please just book via the whats on page. Click on the event and choose the number of places in the drop down menu.
Hi – I’m wondering how the school children can make it on Friday, ie. a regular school day? Am I right in assuming that Mirza’s children have an inset day or similar this Friday? Thanks
The session isn’t just for children and don’t know about Mirzas children but we have had some home schoolers and nursery children as well. All welcome.
Hello I would love to join tomorrow 🙂
Yes please do. Cat will see you tomorrow.
Hi. I’d like to come along with my three children to the fruit picking event. The children are also interested in the den in building activity you have on the same day. We’ve never been before but is it possile to come to both? Please let us know.
Yes feel free to book for both events via the whats on page click on the event and choose the number of spaces in the drop down box.
Thanks! See you then!
Great. Will approve your booking.
I would like to book the fruit picking .I did book for 25 th but the fruit was not ready .
Sorry there was a problem with our booking system so you should now be able to book.
Hi, Can I book me, Scott Wood, and Alfie Wood (6 years old) for the pizza making on 22 August. Can’t see how else to do it!
Did you manage to book? Alas this event is now fully booked so might explain why you can’t book on!
I can’t seem to create an account but keen to attend on Monday 12th August-is this okmto do so?
Can you have another go Please and that way you will also get our newsletter.
Yes that’s fine Re Monday.
I have the news letter come through but still unsure If I managed to registered but will see you tomorrow
I am also unsure, whether I have registered today. Please will you let me know.
If you have then enter your email and password. If not register.
I will also be bringing an under 1
Which event is this?
Hello Sarah,
We will be coming 2 children and 2 adults! Thanks, Sarah
All bookings have to be done via our whats on page. Click on the event and choose the number of places including adults in the drop down box. Please note if you can’t book then the event is fully booked. Thanks
Will the event be at this address below?
Rushey Green Time Bank
The Primary Care Centre
Hawstead Road
We would like to come with my husband and two year old, just submitted our request via the online booking
No as stated on any booking. You need to book.
Please click on the where are we link on the website.
I am greatly looking forward to it and wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Super – we are also looking for people to help out on the day!
Hi I would like to attend this event with my daughter and grandson who is 7 and has autism please let me know if this would bebe OK thank-you
We welcome all children at the Wild Cat Wilderness.
Hi we would like to come to Callum’s campfire on 5th October. Two adults and two children.
Caroline Randall
Please book via the whats on page. Thanks
Hi can we have 2 spaces please
Is there any availability for my 5 children
4,5,9 and 10 please.
Sorry we are fully booked and have a waiting list.
Could I please book for my 2 x children too
Sorry this event is fully booked but I can add you to the waiting list.
Hi there
We have had a cancellation so feel free to join us this morning at any point from 10.30. Last entry 12.45.
Hi, i hope youre well. I’d like to book for Saturday 3rd February for me and my family and possibly 2 others. It will definately be 2 adults and 3 children (2,4,6) and if the others can come it will be one adult and a 9 year old. Please let me know if we can come. Many thanks.
This is an old event and not on this year? All events are listed on our whats on page to book.
I would love to be involved with my son in a local permaculture project!
Well we grow organically and use some permaculture principles. Hope to see you both soon.
Sorry forgot to update the numbers box before I signed up – will actually be me plus 2 children
Please confirm – thanks!
Done. You should get a confirmation email.
Please book 1 adult 1 child for Thursday afternoon on 20th February please
Please sign up via the whats on page. Click on the event and choose the number of places in the drop down menu Thanks.
[…] The beautiful outdoor community space the Wildcat Wilderness in Catford has not been able to open up to the general public since lockdown began and had lots of events/activities planned which have unfortunately had to be cancelled. A plant sale was one of them and to replace this and provide much needed funds for the project 2 different kitchen garden growing kits for both indoors and outdoors are available to purchase. They are a bargain and come with instructions/tips. For details see here. […]
Thanks Jane for your support.
Hi can I book me and my daughter onto the session on Friday the 7th of August please
You need to book your slot via the whats on page we can’t take booking here. Thanks.
Hi can I book 2 places for me and my daughter please for the 7th of August
Kind regards Sam
All bookings need to be done via the whats on page. There are several sessions but some are now fully booked or have limited places available.
There are however two places available at either the 1-2,30 or 2.30-4 pm session which you can book via the whats on page.
Sorry can you cancel this booking please? I’ll book the 11-12:30 one instead. My apologies.
Hi I cancelled all your bookings so you can try again. Thanks Maria
I would like to cancel my attendance for this event – clicked wrong date! Big apols, Claire (who you will see on 22nd instead!) : )
Hi there how do you sign up if you are 1 adult with 3 children over 5 and 1 under 1 year? Thanks
We have your booking so assume you got sorted?
Gosh I’m terrible at this. Clearly. Im so sorry. I forgot to add that we are three not one. Can you please save a total of 3 spaces? Thanks
Hi I’m afraid to say I’m actually going away for the weekend so I need to cancel my booking for tomorrow! Thanks guys and hopefully I’ll come nx week when I’m back : ) Hope you are all well, Claire
Wow! This is a nice activity. Kudos to the organizers who made this possible. I hope I can attend to one of the sessions. Thanks for sharing and for spreading awareness to us. Keep it up.
I am a bubbly bright encouraging kind of person. Passionate in making others happy. Am inspired by young people a good listener.
Full of energy. Am dbs checked was a young scout leader. Assistant to young people at dance singing summer school. Love nature and getting my hands dirty team player and making things from stuff around you being creative am a painter make dream catchers and jewelry. Came to the wildcat garden loved it and would love to come back I would like to help with a pond possibly.
Yours Sincerely Caroline Moore.
Could I please book for 2 adults and 2 children?
Hi there I am enquiring about volunteering on a Thursday afternoon if you have any vacancies. I receive therapy at bench outreach and was passed your information. Tia
Hi Warren
You are welcome to join us any Thursday. Just go to the what on page,click on the Thursday you want to attend and then choose the number of places in the drop down box. We look forward to welcoming you. Maria
Please can I book for 4 places (1 adult and 3 children)
All bookings must be done by the whats on page, click on the event and choose the number of places in the drop down box.
Could I book 1 adult and 1 child please?
Thank you
Sorry no this event is fully booked.
Can I book for 3 children please
Please book all events via the whats on page. Click on the event and choose the number of tickets in the drop down box. Thanks.
Hello, could I please add another adult and 3 children to my original booking please? That would total 2 adults and 7 children, thank you
Hi can I book 2 places for this please
To book please click on the event and use the drop down box to choose the number of tickets
Hello Maria
Thank you for your emails confirming we have booked two spaces for the 17/10. Please can we have one more space as we have a friend (Joan Fletcher) who would like to join us.
Many thanks
That’s fine.
Hi, can I book 2 places for this please.
All bookings must be done via the whats on page. Click on the event and choose the number of places in the drop down box. Thanks
We are very excited about this event
Great. Do book via the Eventbrite link.
Interested in taking part of the ‘Winter Wild’ project
This post was from 2017! For all our latest events and activities please see the whats on page
This post was from 2017! For all our latest events and activities please see the whats on page
Hello! I’m trying to book 2 places on this event for myself and my 11 year old kid, not sure I’ve done it correctly 😅
I will change your booking – in future change quantity in drop down menu
I’ll come in historical costume – to add to the fun and pagan feel of the event – but will it be OK if I also have some information on small pieces of paper about the Tudor recreations at Kentwell Hall in Suffolk to hand out to anyone who might be interested or leave out by the refreshments?
Yes that all sounds great – see you then. Maria
Hello, we will arrive about 11.30/11.45pm on the 15th feb. Thank you.
Yes that’s fine but strictly no entry after 12. Sorry.
Hi- is this applicable to apricot trees too? Thanks
No just plum and cherry trees
Alas I can’t come- parents evening.
Next time…
Please could I book this event for 3 children and 1 adult
Sorry this event is now fully booked.
Do you have 3 spare tickets for this session? 2 children +1 adult?
No sorry it Is fully booked.
All bookings must be done via the whats on page. We can’t do manual bookings. Sorry
Can you message me if you get a cancellation please. Just 1 space for Demi
For which event Anne?
I would like to book 3 places for the 31 Aug making spinning top. 3 boys plus 2 adults
Maria Gingell
All bookings have to be done via the whats on page. Click on the event and choose the number of spaces in the drop down menu. It’s fully booked if it doesn’t allow you to do this. Thanks
Hi would it b possible to add 6 more to my booking as a friend is unable to access your page kind regards Karen
Yes that’s fine.
ms Julie commons is a regular who uses your services, she is unable to sign in to your email address as she’s on holiday, but would like to book 31st August 10 am session her email address is j.commons@ntlworld.com would u please be able to book 6 children on this session thanks kind regards Karen
Sorry but this is an adult only session so no children allowed. But the Friday session for volunteers is for all ages
Just checking that our booking for 3 children and 1 adult for 31/8 (tomorrow) Nature Club is confirmed.
Many thanks.
If you have a booking you would have received confirmation check your junk email. Was it for the morning or afternoon session. We still have places for both so just let me know and numbers. Thanks Maria
Hi, I just wanted to enquire…My partner and I have a two and a half year old, and a six month old baby. We were interested in volunteering sessions but wasn’t sure if it would be appropriate, please could you let us know your thoughts? We’re keen to get involved but maybe we’ll keep our eye out for other specific activities. Many thanks for your advice, Fiona
Hi Fiona. Our Thursday volunteering is adult only but out Friday volunteering in the morning is open to all so children are welcome if supervised. We look forward to welcoming you.
Hi Maria, I’ve seen that you’re on the Catford Arts trail leaflet for this year, but it gives no details, and I can’t see any on your website.
Would you let me know if there are events happening
Yes there will be on both Sundays we just haven’t put them on the website yet.
Looking forward to visiting today.
Please can you send me info on this
As it says go to the whats on page and click on one of the mud club events. All info there.
Hi there, I’ve just donated ti make.one wreath on 3rd Dec but I ended myself and my 2 daughters tics make it with me. Do I need to get tickets for them too? Thanks Kate
No as it says you can bring who you like and one booking is for one wreath. See you then. Maria
Hi Ellie, it was lovely to meet you properly on Wednesday and Hugo had a lovely time at the session. I wondered if there were any spots left for this Saturday?
Best to contact the mud club directly as they handle the bookings. Details on whats on page events
I plan to attend the plant sale on 10/06/23
So Sorry I had not realised this was for adults only.
We are a local authority group of pre-schoolers and their families who would like to experience the forest school activities. Many of our families are very limited for funds…
No problem. This is for volunteering and not for forest school. At present we don’t have any funding so are unable to offer free places for groups until our funding comes through but please email us as we are hoping to hear soon wcw@rgtb.org.uk
Good morning, I would like to know the age requirements/limits for your events.
I have children aged between 18months & 13yrs.
Each events states an ideal age group but most we welcome all ages.
Hello, could I please book 4 adult and 3 child places please, thank you
You need to book yourself on on this page. Click sign up.
Hi would it be possible to join the volunteering session today?
Many thanks, Janet
Sorry Janet. I missed this message. Hope you can join us in the New Year.
I went to the wreath-making workshop and had an absolutely wonderful time. I made my first ever wreath and knowing it came from foraged goodies in the centre made it all the more special. Thanks so much for this. Will definitely look out for more opps in the future. The Wildcat Wilderness Centre is a true Catford gem!!
Hi, I’ve just received an invite for this event that I do want to go to. Please can you add my name to it and let me know if I’m confirmed on it as it’s not clear on the website and here.
Many thanks,
Tina Farage
Thanks for flagging this as there was a problem with the system. Can you try again now.
Hello, I’m trying to book one adult and two children for Tuesday 13th February but I’m not sure it is working. Can you kindly confirm please?
Yes all working. Just click on the event and choose the number of spaces using the drop down box.
Yes all working just choose the number of places using the drop down box
It keeps saying I’ve booked in for this event, so won’t let me book in for the other two! Please can I book in for lLucas and Freddie as well as me😊
No problem I will change your booking.
Hi Maria, it’s the same for me as the lady Debbie above. Please book for myself, Emerson and 5 month old Chiara.
Thank you so much,
You need to book yourself on and use the drop down box for the number of places.
Thanks 😊
Would like to book for my daughter Cara Burley (aged 10) and one adult
To book. Go to you need to create an account. Then chose the event on the whats on page then click on the drop down box to chose the number of places.
We look forward to welcoming you.
I’d love for my sons to join the fun activity
Please book all events via the whats on page. We look forward to welcoming you.
Hi I am interested in the leaf and bark rubbing session on 13th August f9r my son aged 4.5. Is there any availability for this?
Thank you
Please book via the whats on page of our website and use the drop down box to choose the numer of places. Book for all attending inc adults
Hi Maria- my partner Rowan will try and come along with Leo, Frank and Bo 👍
Will be with my 3 boys 👍
Is this for all the Dave to you have booked as you have only booked x1 place?
Hi Maria,
Forgot to put the number of people and think it booked only 1 place but actually there will be me and another adult and 2 children for fruitpicking. So 4 in total. Can’t wait – Kyra
Ok will amend your booking. See you then. Maria
We’d love to join – adult and x2 children
Please book via the whats on page for all coming. Use the drop down box to chose the number of spaces.
Hi I accidentally only booked one space. Could I please add my brother Dominic Byrne as well? Thank you so much.
We will change your booking no problem.
I would like to attend the volunteering event tomorrow. Thanks
Great see you then. Full details on the whats on page – just click on the event. Also note gate is at Bellingham end of our site.
Hi, the four of us would love to come to your birthday festival on Sunday 15th 🙂
Great. You can book via the whats on page or just turn up on the day. See you there.
hi My grandson is 3 years old and they live on Riverview -is the weekend of the 14/15th suitable for us to visit please? thank you
Yes come and visit on the 15th when we have our festival. All welcome.
Many thanks Maria – see you on Sunday xx
I would like to book three/four spots please.
Alec 2
Ada 5
Leila 8
And a parent place please!
Many thanks,
Mima Bravington
Please book via the whats on page of our website and book the number of places using the drop down box. We can’t take bookings via comments sorry.
Hi, I would like to book for the wassail but can’t see any link.
Book via the whats on page and use the drop down box to chose the number of places. We look forward to welcoming you.
Hi I’m having trouble logging in to book but would like to come to the birdwatching- 2 adults, 2 children (aged 5 and 1)
Sorry we can’t take bookings here you need to go to the whats on page. Thanks.
Hi there, I could not see where to choose how many people for this event but I would like to book for 2 please if possible?
Please book via the whats on page please as we can’t take bookings here. Thanks. Use the drop down box to chose the number of places.
Struggling to create an account to book the 18 th Jan event . Pls advise
We have had lots of signs ups and booking recently can you explain why? Checked system and all working ok.
Maybe delete your history and try again or on a different computer.
Hi, please I’d like to attend the pruning workshop on 2 Feb
Please register on our site then book via the whats on page.
I can’t seem to create an account or log in. Would it be possible to book 2 places for the Gruffalo nature hunt on the 19th Feb, please?
Many thanks,
Sorry can’t take bookings here. Clear your browser history and try again as lots of others have signed up today already.
I would like to attend the workshop on 2nd February, but I’m unable to finish the reg process. I get this message – HTTP redirect status code must be a redirection code, 3xx.
Can you help?
I have a new account in your name created. Clear your browser and then book places here.
I would like t0 attend the pruning workshop on 3Feb
Please register and book via the whats on page. If a problem clear your browsing history.
thank you for accepting me,interesting to learn about gardening,among others
I have just booked online. Looking forward to the session. Bw
Hoping for nice weather !!
Thank you , looking forward to it.
Hi, I applied to attend on Sunday just after my husband, he’s had confirmation ok but I haven’t – please can you let me know if I can attend or not ? Thanks.
We have a booking for you. Check your junk email.
Hi I have tried to register for this event but struggled with your system. It looks to be booked but could I go on the waiting list please? Thank you.
Yes sorry it’s fully booked but can add you to the waiting list no probs. Will be in touch if a place becomes free
2 Feb tree pruning session